Burlington is NOW OPEN!

Getting Back In The Swing Of Things

The physicians here at Comprehensive Orthopaedics are resuming orthopedic surgery and in-office care, along with keeping with Telehealth appointments when needed.  Patients seeking remote consultation for bone, joint and muscle problems, please call 262-764-5595!

Our CompOrtho NOW Orthopedic Urgent Care is back up and running from 8am – 5pm Monday – Friday, and 10am – 2pm on Saturday.  Urgent Care should still be used for serious and new injuries.  Avoid the ER and limit your exposure to the virus!

The practice is rescheduling patients for elective surgeries, initial appointments and follow-up appointments now that area hospitals and surgery centers can maintain adequate levels of resources needed for COVID-19 patients. Those supplies include ventilators and personal protective equipment regularly used in surgeries.

In the meantime, CompOrtho will continue with strict patient safety protocols and screening processes in place.

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