Foot and Ankle Treatment
Foot & Ankle Pain Doctors in Kenosha and Burlington, WI

Our feet provide balance and enable us to do physical activities like running. However, it’s also one of the many body parts that are susceptible to injuries. Incurring foot pain can negatively impact your quality of life.
If you’re unable to manage your foot pain, trust a foot doctor in Kenosha, WI from a leading orthopedic facility like Comprehensive Orthopaedics, SC. Our company is among the many prominent institutions for orthopedic care.
What Can You Do to Prevent Your Foot Pain From Getting Worse?
Dealing with foot pain can mean hours of total discomfort and immobility. Your condition might get worse if there is no medical treatment to be administered.
However, there are healthcare institutions that have professionals who are knowledgeable in dealing with this kind of case. If you feel that your foot pain is hindering you, seek help from a foot doctor in Kenosha, WI.
Benefits of Seeing a Foot Doctor in Kenosha, WI
Visiting an orthopedic clinic and consulting their foot doctor in Kenosha, WI is the best decision you’ll make. A foot doctor in Kenosha, WI is an expert when it comes to feet disorders. Your foot doctor in Kenosha, WI can easily identify the cause of your condition and create medical solutions for you to be able to walk well again.
When Should You Seek Medical Attention From a Foot Doctor in Kenosha, WI?
There is no definite time to request medical assistance from a foot doctor in Kenosha, WI. Once you notice some symptoms of foot pain, consult a foot doctor in Kenosha, WI. The following are signs that indicate your foot is in bad condition:
- You’re having a hard time putting weight on your foot
- Your foot is consistently swelling for days
- Your foot experiences tingling or numbness
Things to Look for in a Foot Doctor in Kenosha, WI
Therapies are delicate procedures that must be handled by a professional foot doctor in Kenosha, WI. The foot doctor in Kenosha, WI that you want should deliver positive results and know the importance of client safety. In addition, here are other things to look for in a foot doctor in Kenosha, WI:
Choose a foot doctor in Kenosha, WI that has been in the industry for many years. An experienced foot doctor in Kenosha, WI knows how to handle their client’s medical needs and utilizes the latest equipment used by most podiatrists.
Also, avoid consulting a foot doctor in Kenosha, WI that only provides a one-size-fits-all medical therapy. It’s most likely that the foot doctor in Kenosha, WI is not trained and might give you regimens that can harm you.
Try to visit a clinic that has a licensed foot doctor in Kenosha, WI. A foot doctor in Kenosha, WI that has a medical license means that they are authorized to provide care. Also, a licensed foot doctor in Kenosha, WI knows what to do and what to avoid when administering orthopedic treatments.

Turn to Comprehensive Orthopedics, SC and Receive Quality Healthcare From Our Foot Doctor in Kenosha, WI
Experiencing foot pain is one of the worst things that could happen to you. It can limit your movements and affect your daily living. However, with the support of a foot doctor in Kenosha, WI, you can say goodbye to severe soreness brought about by this condition.
At Comprehensive Orthopedics, SC, we aim to help people recover from their ailments by providing intensive musculoskeletal healthcare. We provide surgical and non-invasive treatments that’ll get you moving again in no time.
Also, our foot doctor in Kenosha, WI is a certified and licensed physician that knows how to administer care to your ailments. You can ensure that our foot doctor in Kenosha, WI will guide you in every step of your rehabilitation. To learn more about our services, contact us today!
Comprehensive Orthopedics, SC
If you are looking for orthopedic physicians who can help with your spine, knee, feet, or hand condition, you can go to Comprehensive Orthopedics, SC. Our doctors specialize in different methods of healing patients. We want to provide the utmost care and individualized procedures to our clients. From your first visit to recovery, we will guide you through the process.
Our Physicians
You can trust us to handle your condition with great care. In Comprehensive Orthopedics, SC, we have physicians with different expertise. Here are some of the specializations of our doctors:
- General Orthopedics
- Conservative Spine Care
- Sports Medicine
- Reconstruction and Joint Replacement
- Foot and Ankle Specialist
- Hands, Elbows, and Shoulders Specialist
- Foot and Ankle Lower Extremities Specialist
- Orthopedic Surgeons (for Foot and Ankle, Shoulder and Knee, and Knees, Hips, and Shoulders)
- Minimally Invasive Spine Surgeon
Our Medical Services
Comprehensive Orthopedics, SC has experience in treating many conditions of different parts of the body. We even have workers compensation and regenerative medicine practitioners. Here is a list of the treatments and medical procedures we provide our patients in Burlington, WI and Kenosha, WI:
Our Medical Services
Other Medical Services
Our Regenerative Medicine
Comprehensive Orthopedics, SC has experience in treating many conditions of different parts of the body. We even have workers compensation and regenerative medicine practitioners. Here is a list of the treatments and medical procedures we provide our patients in Burlington, WI and Kenosha, WI:
For spine treatments, we have:
- Physical Therapy
- Occupational Therapy
- Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery
- Decompression
- Spinal Fusion
For the neck pains, these are the possible options:
- Pain reliever
- Physical Therapy
- Neck Brace
- Surgery
For the knees and hips, we can suggest these treatments:
- Pain reliever
- Protective Knee Brace
- Arthroscopic surgery
- Joint immobilization
- Hyaluronic therapy
- Joint Replacements
For problems with your shoulders and elbows, here are some solutions we may recommend:
- Ice pack
- Anti-inflammatory medication
- Compression
- Brace
- Steroid injection
- Ultrasound (a kind that promotes blood flow, breaks scar tissue, and hastens healing)
- Shoulder Replacements
- Physical therapy
- Surgery
For hand and wrist sores, here are treatments that we can use depending on a patient’s condition:
- RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation)
- Splint or cast
- Pain reliever
- Traction
- Anti-inflammatory medication
- Surgery
For foot and ankle aches, we can help you through these practices:
- RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation)
- Anti-inflammatory medicine
- Corticosteroid injection
- Surgery
- Total Ankle Replacement
For a meticulous diagnosis and procedure, we use magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to find structural abnormalities in the spinal cord and the brain. It helps us see the exact part of your brain that controls speech and other functions. By doing this, our physicians can plan a detailed surgery.
Aside from MRI, we also use electromyogram (EMG). By taking an EMG test, we can measure the electrical waves in your muscles, thereby finding muscle damages or diseases. Another test is the nerve conduction velocity (NCV) test. We check the speed of electric signals in nerves through the device. The NCV test helps detect muscle problems caused by neurologic or muscular diseases.
To help repair cartilages and tendons, we use Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy. It is a non-surgical medical procedure that uses the patient’s own blood to heal the damaged joints. This treatment can be used to cure sports injuries, chronic tendon injuries, and a sprained ankle.
Additionally, we also have prolotherapy and bone marrow aspiration (BMA). Prolotherapy is a pain relief treatment that is injected into the joints. On the other hand, in a BMA procedure, tissue from your bone marrow is extracted, processed, and injected to promote healing and growth of damaged joints. Both methods do not require surgery, and you can continue light daily activities after the procedure.

Choose Comprehensive Orthopedics, SC
Comprehensive Orthopedics, SC has an office in Burlington, WI and Kenosha, WI. We have a staff will accommodate your inquiries and needs. Our physicians are experienced and are certified in their field of specialization. We do our best to diagnose and treat our patients. For more information, contact us!