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Dr. Lutes

Dr. Lutes is a fellowship trained, board certified orthopedic surgeon specializing in adult hip and knee reconstruction and replacement. He is able to treat all aspects of hip and knee abnormalities. He has extensive knowledge in revision total knee and hip replacement and orthobiologics. Dr. Lutes was one of the first surgeons in the state of Wisconsin to begin performing Direct Anterior(DA) total hip replacement in 2007. He has been preforming DA total hip replacement since that time and has completed over 5000 replacements done using that technique. The majority of his surgery is performed out of an orthopedic surgical center as an outpatient.

Dr. Lutes is a consultant for multiple orthopedic companies designing implants and devices to improve patient outcomes in total joint replacement. He designed a hand-held computer to assist in improving alignment of the prosthesis is hip replacement. He continues the pursuit of the “perfect” total hip and knee replacement.

Dr. Lutes travels across the United States and worldwide teaching orthopedic joint replacement technique with computer aided navigation and robotics. He currently uses robotic assisted navigation in every joint replacement he preforms.

Dr. Lutes gives back to the orthopedic community by sharing technique and publishing articles and posters that are presented at national and international meetings. He currently serves the AOBOS as a senior orthopedic surgery board examiner and has sat on the AAOS review board for compliance.

Dr. Lutes spent time at the Medical College of Wisconsin teaching orthopedic residents in the operative suites or in a lecture setting. He participated in lecture series and regular grand rounds. He savored his time at the medical college but is happy to be at Comprehensive Orthopaedics giving back to the community.


Amber Devine PA-C