Burlington Office - Coming Early 2025

Minimally invasive spine surgery

Why choose minimally invasive spine surgery over open? Traditional, open spine surgery involves cutting or stripping the muscles from the spine. But today, a TLIF may be performed using minimally invasive spine surgery, a treatment that involves small incisions and...

Cervical fusion

Why cervical fusion, otherwise known as ACDF? If you have pain in the neck and or arms, a lack of coordination, and most importantly, numbness or weakness in the arms, forearms or fingers for a period of time. The culprits can be a disc herniation and or arthritis....

Epidural steroid injeciton (ESI)

An epidural steroid injection (ESI) is a minimally invasive procedure that can help relieve neck, arm, back and leg pain caused by inflamed spinal nerves. ESI may be performed to relieve pain caused by spinal stenosis, spondylolysis or disc herniation. The goal of the...

Anatomy of the Spine

The vertebral column, also called the backbone, is made up of 33 vertebrae that are separated by spongy disks and classified into 4 distinct areas. The cervical area consists of 7 bony parts in the neck; the thoracic spine consists of 12 bony parts in the back area;...