Burlington Office - Coming Early 2025

“Bone on Bone”

              Knee pain at the joint line on either side of the knee could be the result of severe “bone on bone” arthritis! This happens when the cartilage of your knee wears away causing the bones to rub more closely...

Minimally invasive spine surgery

Why choose minimally invasive spine surgery over open? Traditional, open spine surgery involves cutting or stripping the muscles from the spine. But today, a TLIF may be performed using minimally invasive spine surgery, a treatment that involves small incisions and...

Physical medicine and rehabilitation

Physical medicine and rehabilitation: PM&R is often called the quality of life profession because its aim is to enhance patient performance. The focus is not on one part of the body, but instead on the development of a comprehensive program for helping a patient...


Pain and stiffness in your foot with walking, mainly in the big toe? This could be the result of a bunion. Bunions are a bony bump that forms at the base of the joint of your big toe. For many, bunions run in the family, and usually show up in early childhood, while...

Cervical fusion

Why cervical fusion, otherwise known as ACDF? If you have pain in the neck and or arms, a lack of coordination, and most importantly, numbness or weakness in the arms, forearms or fingers for a period of time. The culprits can be a disc herniation and or arthritis....